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Green Team takes part in Ecotourism meetingat Universidade Portucalense

As part of the Erasmus+ ECOViP project “Fostering Innovation and Entrepreneurshipin Ecotourism to support sustainable development in Vietnam and the Philippines”,the Municipality of Baião took part on January 22, at the invitation of UniversidadePortucalense, in a round table discussion on the “Challenges and Perspectives ofEcotourism”, together with representatives of the Portuguese Ecotourism Association,ADERE – Peneda […]

“Vale Eficiência” Program (2nd Phase)

The second phase of applications for the “Vale Eficiência” program is underway, aimedat economically vulnerable families at risk of energy poverty who are not in socialhousing.The aim of this program is to help mitigate situations of energy poverty and socialvulnerability by awarding vouchers to economically vulnerable families who live inbuildings where there is potential energy […]

“For a future made of life, take care of the environment today”

VALORMED is launching a campaign to raise awareness of the importance of handingin empty packaging waste and expired medicines of domestic origin at take-back pointsin pharmacies and parapharmacies. The campaign’s motto is “For a future made of life,take care of the environment today”.When empty packaging waste and discarded and expired medicines of domestic originare thrown […]

Regulations for the “Serra daAboboreira Regional Protected Landscape”

The public discussion period for the draft Management Regulations for the “Serra daAboboreira Regional Protected Landscape” is open until March 7.Anyone interested in consulting and taking part in the discussion of the project can doso as mentioned in the Notice published on January 11, 2024, in the 2nd Series of theDiário da República, during the […]

Get involved in the Municipal Environmental Education Strategy – Contributeyour suggestions

On World Environmental Education Day, celebrated every year on January 26, theMunicipality of Baião reaffirms its commitment to building a more sustainable future bycreating a Municipal Environmental Education Strategy.On September 25, 2015, the United Nations approved the Sustainable DevelopmentGoals (SDGs), which redirect humanity towards a path of sustainability for the planet –the 2030 Agenda – […]

Home composting

Baião City Council continues to encourage home composting to promote sustainablepractices and reduce the amount of waste sent to landfill.Collaborate with this campaign and receive a free composter at your home.Book now using the link: or the QR Code inthe image.

City Council approves the Action Plan for Baião’s Urban Solid Waste StrategicPlan

The PAPERSU 2030 – Municipal Action Plan for the Urban Solid Waste Strategic Plan –was unanimously approved at the City Council meeting of January 10, 2024.The Municipality of Baião, as provided for in the General Waste Management Regime(RGGR), as the urban waste management entity, must draw up its Action Plan forUrban Waste (PAPERSU), in conjunction […]


Service provided by the Municipality of BaiãoConcrete, Bricks, Tiles and Ceramic Materialscontribua for a cleaner municipality and don’t dump this waste on the public highwayFind out more here ⬇…/2-servicos-para-os-cidadaos…/