As part of the Erasmus+ ECOViP project “Fostering Innovation and Entrepreneurship
in Ecotourism to support sustainable development in Vietnam and the Philippines”,
the Municipality of Baião took part on January 22, at the invitation of Universidade
Portucalense, in a round table discussion on the “Challenges and Perspectives of
Ecotourism”, together with representatives of the Portuguese Ecotourism Association,
ADERE – Peneda Gerês, ICNF – Instituto de Conservação da Natureza e Florestas and
Parque Biológico de Gaia.
The Green Team, the team responsible for the process of certifying Baião as a
Sustainable Tourist Destination, presented the municipality’s certification process, as
well as the projects underway – the Serra da Aboboreira Regional Protected
Landscape; the Rehabilitation and Enhancement of the Ovil River; and the
Afforestation and future Sustainable Forest Certification in the Serra da Aboboreira.
Co-funded by the European Commission and coordinated by the University of Nha
Trang, Vietnam, this project aims to develop entrepreneurship and innovation skills
for the sustainable development of tourism in Vietnam and the Philippines, as well as
to develop a roadmap for the improvement of tourism education programs.
The consortium for this project is made up of 11 universities from Austria, the
Philippines, Portugal, Spain and Vietnam, as well as a tourism agency in Vietnam and
an ecotourism association in the Philippines.