António Mota Municipal Libraryopenedan Ecoteca space
The 5th ofJunewasWorldEnvironmentDay. Atthe António Mota Municipal Library, thiseventwasmarkedbytheopeningofan Ecoteca. The Ecoteca is a collectionofdocumentsdirectedspecifically to theareasoftheenvironment, climateandsustainabilityandwhichaims to raiseawareness in thecommunity, bothchildrenandyoungpeople as well as adults, to the role thateveryone must assume in environmentalpreservationandconservation. TheCouncilor for theEnvironment, Henrique Gaspar Ribeiro, waspresentatthissession, whichwasattendedbyaround 130 childrenfromthe OBER Kindergartens in Ancede, Campelo, Gôve and Santa Marinha do […]