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Public session to present Baia o’s Municipal Climate Action Plan

On April 3, at 5:30 p.m. in the Great Hall of the Town Hall, Baia o City Council willpresent the Baia o Municipal Climate Action Plan (PMAC).This is a strategic document provided for in the Basic Law on Climate, which aims torespond to the challenges arising from climate change.Focusing on adaptation to the current and […]

Earth Hour – “Small actions with a big impact”

Earth Hour – “Small actions with a big impact” is the motto for 2024The Municipality of Baia o is once again joining Earth Hour, an environmental actionpromoted internationally by the global nature conservation organization WorldWildlife Found (WWF).Since 2007, this initiative has been a global movement of millions of people around theworld who unite, through the […]

Official Animal Collection Center opened in Resende – Baião

The Secretary of State for Local Administration and Spatial Planning, Carlos Miguel, and the presidents of the Municipal Chambers of Resende and Baião, Garcez Trindade and Paulo Pereira, respectively, inaugurated the Official Collection Center (CRO) of Resende and Baião, in a ceremony that took place on March 20, 2024. After the unveiling of the inauguration […]

Baião Climate Action Plan

The Baião Municipal Climate Action Plan was unanimously approved at the Chamber meeting held on March 13th. This document aims to define strategies and respond to the challenges resulting from climate change, focusing, for this purpose, on adapting to the current and future climate, mitigating greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, as well as mobilization of the […]

Baião’s Municipal Environmental Education Strategy (EMEA)

The proposal for Baião’s Municipal Environmental Education Strategy (EMEA) wasunanimously approved at the Municipal Assembly on February 24.The Baião EMEA was presented as an essential tool for the sustainable development ofthe municipality, inspiring local action and promoting conscious and informedcitizenship.Based on the 2030 Agenda and the process of certifying Baião as a SustainableTourism Destination, EMEA […]

Green Team takes part in Ecotourism meetingat Universidade Portucalense

As part of the Erasmus+ ECOViP project “Fostering Innovation and Entrepreneurshipin Ecotourism to support sustainable development in Vietnam and the Philippines”,the Municipality of Baião took part on January 22, at the invitation of UniversidadePortucalense, in a round table discussion on the “Challenges and Perspectives ofEcotourism”, together with representatives of the Portuguese Ecotourism Association,ADERE – Peneda […]

“Vale Eficiência” Program (2nd Phase)

The second phase of applications for the “Vale Eficiência” program is underway, aimedat economically vulnerable families at risk of energy poverty who are not in socialhousing.The aim of this program is to help mitigate situations of energy poverty and socialvulnerability by awarding vouchers to economically vulnerable families who live inbuildings where there is potential energy […]