Baião presented Municipal Climate Action Plan

he Baião Municipal Climate Action Plan (PMAC) was presented at a public session that took place at Paços do Concelho, on April 3rd. This session, which takes place within the scope of the ongoing public discussion, was attended by the Mayor, Paulo Pereira, the President of the Municipal Assembly, Armando Fonseca, the person responsible for […]
Baião Chamber reinforced recycling bin network

The municipality of Baião, in partnership with Resinorte SA, installed, during the month of March, 5 new recycling bins in the municipality, now counting on a network of 123 pieces of equipment, distributed across all parishes, with a proportion of 143 inhabitants per recycling bin. “ We continue to take care to place recycling bins strategically, […]
Greens in the Container…No! – New door-to-door green waste collection service in Baião

With the aim of reducing the amount of waste that is sent to landfill every day, at the end of 2023, the Municipality of Baião implemented the campaign, “The rest in the right place!”, which consisted of a bio-waste management service, with the availability of proximity containers for the disposal of bio-waste from the domestic […]
Public session to present Baia o’s Municipal Climate Action Plan

On April 3, at 5:30 p.m. in the Great Hall of the Town Hall, Baia o City Council willpresent the Baia o Municipal Climate Action Plan (PMAC).This is a strategic document provided for in the Basic Law on Climate, which aims torespond to the challenges arising from climate change.Focusing on adaptation to the current and […]
Earth Hour – “Small actions with a big impact”

Earth Hour – “Small actions with a big impact” is the motto for 2024The Municipality of Baia o is once again joining Earth Hour, an environmental actionpromoted internationally by the global nature conservation organization WorldWildlife Found (WWF).Since 2007, this initiative has been a global movement of millions of people around theworld who unite, through the […]
Awareness-raising action on World Water Day

This morning, Águas do Norte, S.A. held an initiative at the School Centre of the Agrupamento de Escolas do Sudeste de Baião, in Santa Marinha do Zêzere, to raise awareness of the importance of water and the need to save this essential resource for life. The initiative, organised by Rui Sousa, from Águas do Norte, […]
Official Animal Collection Center opened in Resende – Baião

The Secretary of State for Local Administration and Spatial Planning, Carlos Miguel, and the presidents of the Municipal Chambers of Resende and Baião, Garcez Trindade and Paulo Pereira, respectively, inaugurated the Official Collection Center (CRO) of Resende and Baião, in a ceremony that took place on March 20, 2024. After the unveiling of the inauguration […]
Baião participated in the first technical meeting within the scope of the European project PAISACTIVO

On March 14 and 15, the first technical meeting was held in the Kuartango region of the Basque Country to share ideas and analyze success stories as part of PAISACTIVO – a European project aimed at sustainable land management and reducing the risk of fires, which was launched on December 15 in Infesta – Monterrei […]
Baião Climate Action Plan

The Baião Municipal Climate Action Plan was unanimously approved at the Chamber meeting held on March 13th. This document aims to define strategies and respond to the challenges resulting from climate change, focusing, for this purpose, on adapting to the current and future climate, mitigating greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, as well as mobilization of the […]
Baião’s Municipal Environmental Education Strategy (EMEA)

The proposal for Baião’s Municipal Environmental Education Strategy (EMEA) wasunanimously approved at the Municipal Assembly on February 24.The Baião EMEA was presented as an essential tool for the sustainable development ofthe municipality, inspiring local action and promoting conscious and informedcitizenship.Based on the 2030 Agenda and the process of certifying Baião as a SustainableTourism Destination, EMEA […]