World Soil Day, a celebration established by the United Nations (UN), is celebrated every year on December 5th, with the aim of raising awareness among communities about the main threats to soil and the vital benefits it provides. provides us. It highlights the importance of healthy soil, as well as the defense of sustainable management of its resources.
Students from the 1st and 2nd cycle of the municipality’s school groups received 150 aromatic plants and celebrated this event by planting these specimens in the garden of each of the schools.
The theme chosen for the year 2023 was “Soils and Water: A Source of Life” and aims to increase awareness around the importance of soil and water, as they represent support for both food production and ecosystems and human well-being.
Good land and soil management is of decisive economic and social importance, particularly with regard to its contribution to economic growth, biodiversity, sustainable agriculture and food security.
Furthermore, it contributes to the eradication of poverty, the fight against climate change, the improvement of water availability, with desertification, soil degradation and drought being global challenges.