The reforestation process of land acquired by Baião Municipal Council in Serra da Aboboreira is underway, as part of the territorial planning strategy, especially in mountain areas.
“ This is yet another step towards consolidating our forest management strategy, within the framework of the environmental policies and defense of natural heritage that we have been following, pointing to the sustainability of the territory, making it increasingly greener and more resilient with regard to climate change. We set an example that individuals can follow, so that we can make the forest an economic asset that can itself enhance its safeguard and protection ”, highlighted the president of the Chamber, Paulo Pereira.
After purchasing two pieces of land in the last two years, the municipality now holds a total of around 12.5 hectares, in Serra da Aboboreira, representing an investment of 68 thousand euros, where good practices are being implemented in terms of environmental issues, promoting the resilience of the forest to climate change, especially in terms of fires. Also within this framework, the Municipality acquired other plots on the slopes of Serra do Castelo.
The ongoing reforestation was properly planned, following the best techniques followed in Portugal, through the planting of species suited to the morphology and soil and climate characteristics of the land, distributed in such a way as to create thickets, ensuring the essential arboreal discontinuity to prevent the spread of fires.
The plantation will also guarantee a vegetation interruption and management strip, with a width of 60 meters, guaranteeing the layout of the primary network of fuel management strips, which will soon be implemented by the Institute for the Conservation of Nature and Forests (Instituto da Conservação da Natureza e das Florestas (Institute for the Conservation of Nature and Forests) ( ICNF).
After carrying out the afforestation actions (preparation of the land and planting), the retancha (replacement of dead trees) will be carried out within a year.
The project also includes the implementation, over time, of a Forest Management Plan and the preparation of a dossier for certification of the sustainable forest management of the settlement by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC).
The councilor responsible for the Environment, Henrique Ribeiro, “ satisfied ” with the progress of the reforestation process, recalled that this is “the consolidation of an important part of the commitment to one of our development pillars, which reinforces defense, preservation and and valorization of our forest”, highlighted the mayor .
It should be remembered that, in 2021, as part of the territorial planning strategy, the City Council acquired another plot of land, measuring 2.7 hectares, next to the river leisure area of Fraga do Rio, in the Union of Parishes of Campelo and Ovil.