Within the scope of the council meeting of associations, held on the 1st of July, three associations expressed their willingness to represent the associative movement in the Green Team, responsible for certifying Baião as a Sustainable Tourist Destination.
Casa do Povo de Santa Marinha do Zêzere, AMIGO – Associação de Modalidades Inovadoras do Gôve and Moto Clube Baionenses thus join municipal technicians, School Groupings, Business Association of Baião, Association of Municipalities of Entre Douro and Tâmega and Ecosimbioses – Environmental and Cultural Association of Vale de Ovil, demonstrating everyone’s commitment to this plan for our territory, which is expanding in a progressive and sustained way.
The Vice-President, Filipe Fonseca, states that “It will be an honor to be able to count on the contribution of these communities and we count on their help for this project, with proposals, ideas and new ways of acting. “
The Sports and Associativism Department will promote a meeting to integrate these associations into the team and to move forward with the proposal presented by the associations for the creation of a “seal” that distinguishes sustainability practices.