he Baião Municipal Climate Action Plan (PMAC) was presented at a public session that took place at Paços do Concelho, on April 3rd.
This session, which takes place within the scope of the ongoing public discussion, was attended by the Mayor, Paulo Pereira, the President of the Municipal Assembly, Armando Fonseca, the person responsible for the Environment, Henrique Gaspar Ribeiro, as well as the councilors Anabela Cardoso, Célia Azevedo, Filipe Fonseca and José Lima, several parish mayors, technicians from the Tâmega e Sousa Intermunicipal Community, and representatives of several municipal associations.
The presentation was carried out by the technicians who prepared the PMAC, unanimously approved at the Chamber meeting on March 13th and which will go to the next Municipal Assembly, which will take place on April 27th.
This document is an instrument for planning climate policy at local level, provided for in the Climate Basic Law and its preparation is subject to the objectives, principles, rights, duties and obligations, in terms of climate action, established in this legal document.
This Strategy aims to respond to the challenges arising from climate change, focusing on adapting to the current and future climate, mitigating greenhouse gas emissions, as well as mobilizing the community for the necessary transformations in the process of adaptation and decarbonization of our territory.
With the recommended vision, it is intended that Baião asserts itself and distinguishes itself in its ability to efficiently and balancedly manage available resources, in addition to promoting the decarbonization of human activity, from a multisectoral perspective, focusing on valuing and protecting balance between the various dimensions of sustainable development.
The Mayor of Baião City Council, Paulo Pereira, expressed his “satisfaction that we are presenting this document, which is of great importance, not only for Baião, but for the world, since what is good for the planet , it is good for people and the Economy.
When it comes to the environment and sustainability, it’s not enough to have a nice speech. We have to be consistent. The municipality is doing its part, but it is very important that each citizen also does theirs.”
This document is part of the work to prepare eight Municipal Climate Action Plans and an Intermunicipal Climate Action Plan contracted by the Intermunicipal Community of Tâmega e Sousa (CIM), a fact highlighted by Paulo Pereira, since “the solution we found in the within the scope of the CIM, it allows us to have a more integrated view of our territory and, in this sense, the more aligned we are, the better.”
For the mayor, “the preparation of the PMAC is a natural evolution for Baião, within the scope of certification as a Sustainable Tourist Destination, as this is important, but more relevant is the way we get involved in the process. We do not pursue this goal just because the law requires it or because there are goals to be achieved by 2050. We do it because it helps us to systematize the measures we have been implementing and go further”
For his part, Henrique Gaspar Ribeiro, councilor responsible for the Environment, referred to “the importance of this public presentation ceremony for citizens to learn about this plan, the measures it includes and to understand exactly what its purpose is.”
“It is very important that people participate and make their contributions, especially because the period of public discussion is still ongoing (ends on April 14th), and the people of Bahia have an excellent opportunity here to contribute so that this plan can be adapted to the future. possible to our reality” , he added, also remembering “that environmental responsibility also belongs to all citizens.”
The President of the Municipal Assembly, Armando Fonseca, highlighted the “great importance of this document, which is fundamental to the strategy that the municipality has followed in the field of environment and sustainability” , also leaving the hope that “it will be implemented soon.”
The public consultation period is currently underway, ending on April 14, 2024.
If you have a suggestion, project idea or initiative, share it with us and be part of this process.
Send your contributions to geral@cm-baiao.pt .
Contribute to the good of all.
Sustainability is everyone’s responsibility and community participation is essential to the success of this plan.
Join us on this journey towards a greener and more sustainable future.
Find out more about PMAC at https://www.cm-baiao.pt/viver/ambiente/pmac/