The Municipality of Baião met with SIMDOURO – Saneamento do Grande Porto, on the 23rd of November, for the development of a pilot project for the reuse of wastewater treated in the municipality’s WWTPs through the installation of reservoirs, in a phased manner . This stored water will then be used for purposes such as washing floors, washing vehicles, watering, among others, thus avoiding the use of potable water.
The growing demand for water, the adverse effects of climate change, with increasingly intense situations of prolonged drought, requires a reflection on the sustainable use of water resources. Reuse constitutes an alternative source, contributing to the sustainable use of water resources, insofar as it allows the maintenance of water in the environment, in line with the principles of the circular economy.
The City Council, in line with the certification process of Baião as a Sustainable Destination and with the Sustainable Development Goals, established by the United Nations, understands this measure as a small, but important and symbolic contribution, in this purpose that matters to all and to to which we are all called. Water is an essential good par excellence, and given the strong signs of scarcity, it is important to ensure the minimum of waste and an efficient use of this resource.
The municipality was represented by the Mayor, Paulo Pereira, Heads of Division and Green Team. From SIMDOURO, Vitor Dias, Executive Director, João Vilaça, Exploration Director, and Rego Costa, Engineering Director were present. The meeting resulted in the definition of the next steps, namely obtaining a license from the APA – Portuguese Environment Agency and carrying out a risk assessment considering the final destination of the supplied water.