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City Council approves the Action Plan for Baião’s Urban Solid Waste StrategicPlan

The PAPERSU 2030 – Municipal Action Plan for the Urban Solid Waste Strategic Plan –
was unanimously approved at the City Council meeting of January 10, 2024.
The Municipality of Baião, as provided for in the General Waste Management Regime
(RGGR), as the urban waste management entity, must draw up its Action Plan for
Urban Waste (PAPERSU), in conjunction with the national Strategic Plan for Urban
Waste (PERSU 2030) and the National Waste Management Plan, documents approved
by the Council of Ministers, which must ensure public participation and be approved by
the Portuguese Environment Agency.
PERSU 2030 sets very demanding environmental targets, namely a sharp reduction in
landfill waste, which should fall from the current 56% at national level to 10% by 2035,
and an increase in recycling indicators, which currently stand at 32% and should be
65% by 2035.
In order to achieve this, it will be necessary to profoundly change the habits of the
population, as well as adapting municipal services to new forms of prevention and
In the Baião municipality’s PAPERSU 2030 proposal, several adaptation measures are
defined, grouped into three axes (Prevention, Resource Management and
Operationalization) which include raising awareness, implementing new collection
flows, increasing separation habits (with greater emphasis on the bio-waste fraction),
modernizing collection and monitoring services, revising the municipal waste
management regulations, studying the application of a new tariff model decoupled from
water consumption, among others.
The Plan is available for public consultation here:
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