VALORMED is launching a campaign to raise awareness of the importance of handing
in empty packaging waste and expired medicines of domestic origin at take-back points
in pharmacies and parapharmacies. The campaign’s motto is “For a future made of life,
take care of the environment today”.
When empty packaging waste and discarded and expired medicines of domestic origin
are thrown in the garbage can or poured down the drains, they contaminate the soil
and water, which damages the environment and the future of the planet. In Wastewater
Treatment Plants, this waste goes through a treatment process, but for the most part it
cannot be treated effectively enough. As a result, they remain in the water of rivers,
seas and our taps.
So that medicines don’t end up where they don’t belong and harm the environment and
our health, we need to inform and alert the public to the existence of take-back points
in pharmacies and places where non-prescription medicines are sold. In this way, it will
be possible to process the medicines properly and ensure everyone’s health and the
protection of the environment.
Join VALORMED and hand in your out-of-date medicines and packaging at a
participating pharmacy or parapharmacy!

PAISACTIVO’s partners are organising three workshops on drawing up Model Territorial Plans
PAISACTIVO’s partners are organising three workshops on drawing up