The Municipality of Baião is carrying out a series of actions, with a view to implementing the bio-waste management process in the municipality.
In the first phase, this project will be carried out in the six parishes of the municipality with the highest population density, more specifically in the Union of Parishes of Ancede and Ribadouro, in the Union of Parishes of Campelo and Ovil, in Gestaçô, in Gôve, in the Union of Parishes of Santa Cruz do Douro and São Tomé de Covelas and in Santa Marinha do Zêzere, and should be extended to the entire municipality at a later stage.
This campaign, entitled “The Rest in the Right Place”, aims to combat waste, reusing what can still be used, through the valorization of these remnants, which enable the production of biogas and organic compost for soil fertilization, in addition to to reduce the amount of waste sent to landfill.
It is worth highlighting that this bio-waste management project comprises two aspects:
– Treatment at source (TO) – domestic composting, recycling of organic matter, carried out through microorganisms that transform biodegradable waste into a fertilizer rich in nutrients, called compost. In this case, access conditions imply the existence of permanent housing; commitment to use the composter and agree to receive technical visits.
If you have a vegetable garden or garden, you can receive the composter at your home upon registration.

All waste that we do not recycle has an environmental and economic cost and, in this sense, it is essential to raise public awareness of this issue.
Therefore, after the official presentation of the campaign, which took place in a session held in the Town Hall, the municipality’s technicians have made a tour of the locations covered, publicizing the correct way to separate food left on the plate, food that is out of date, expiration date, leftovers from cooking meals (egg shells, vegetables, fruit, tea bags, coffee grounds…), as well as to hand over a bucket and a card to access the new containers.
These containers will be installed in the parishes covered by the project, close to population clusters, mainly multi-family housing.
Between the 16th and 18th of November, a series of awareness-raising actions regarding composting were also carried out among the population, namely in the three groups of schools in the municipality and in the headquarters of the parish councils covered at this time.

In these actions, participants had the opportunity to sign up to receive a domestic composter at home and received an aromatic plant, as a way of encouraging the production of plants with compost produced from the remains of preparing their own food.
It should be remembered that as part of this campaign, residents of Baião are being provided with a bucket to store waste and a digital card to access the new containers installed in parishes close to population centers, as these equipment are locked. In locations where housing is more dispersed, composting will be promoted with the distribution of composters.
The councilor responsible for the Environment, Henrique Gaspar Ribeiro, said that “this campaign also fits into the strategy of positioning Baião as a ‘Sustainable Tourist Destination’ and is aligned with the municipality’s environmental and sustainability policies.”
The mayor also highlighted the fact that “the amount of waste sent for recycling is not yet at the values we would all like, which implies an increase in the Waste Management Fee and the Landfill Disposal Tariff, depending on the amount of waste that are landfilled instead of being recycled.”
“I appeal to the population to recycle and join this campaign, as in addition to contributing to the common good and a cleaner municipality, it can allow savings on the waste management bill”.
This project resulted from the approval of the Baião City Council’s application to the Environmental Fund, within the scope of the RecolhaBio Program – Support for the Implementation of Selective Biowaste Collection Projects, in the amount of 134 thousand and 500 euros, having obtained financing in the amount of 100 thousand euros.
Participate and contribute to reducing food waste and materials that end up in landfills.
Access here all the information available on the municipality’s website or alternatively contact municipal services on the mobile phone number 964 501 216.
Discover the promotional video made in Baião and with people from Baião here.
Contribute to the good of all.
Give value to what you can still value.