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Session of the Municipal Assembly – Presentation of the status of the certification process of Baião as a “Sustainable Tourist Destination”

The ordinary session of the Municipal Assembly of Baião took place on the 25th of June, in the renovated Monastery of Santo André de Ancede.

In the period before the agenda, Daniel Frey, consultant and auditor of Sustainable Development, presented to the municipal deputies and the public that attended the plenary, the benefits of the certification process of Baião as a “Sustainable Tourist Destination”, and clarified the particularities of this process and how the intervention of the EartCheck entity works with regard to certification.

This entity that certifies sustainable destinations is accredited by the Global Council for Sustainable Tourism, which in turn is mandated by the United Nations.

Daniel Frey also highlighted the fact that the concept of sustainability must be worked across, based on four fundamental pillars: – Environmental, Cultural, Economic and Social.

Daniel Frey also stated that this process is “an ongoing commitment”, so that “tourism is a catalyst for development”, also underlining that “certification is made, first of all, for the population and only then for tourists, so the involvement of the community and entities is fundamental in the pursuit of this aim”.

This specialist in sustainable tourism ended his speech by saying that “certification is a journey and, one year after the first audit, the results are already visible, because through the report of the implemented improvements it is possible to perceive that, so far, Baião is on the right path”


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