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Resilience and Sustainability in Rural Territories debated at MACC Baião

Resilience and Sustainability in Rural Territories debated at MACC BaiãoThis morning, the Auditorium of the Monastery of Ancede Cultural Centre – MACC Baião is hosting the Agro Douro Verde talks – Resilience and Sustainability in Rural Territories. An event organised by the City Council.The rural world is being analysed in a meeting of ideas, projects […]

Baião invests in sustainability with new street furniture

To round off the European Week for Waste Reduction, the Baião municipality has installed new street furniture in the towns of Ancede, Santa Marinha do Zêzere and Baião. The equipment – ‘Papa-Chicletes’, ‘Ecopontas’ and ‘WC Cão’ – aims to reduce common waste, such as chewing gum and cigarette butts, which are still deposited outside the […]

Baião celebrated Autochthonous Forest Day with reforestation in Serra da Aboboreira

On 22 November, Baião Town Council organised a reforestation initiative in the Serra da Aboboreira, on land acquired by the municipality, as part of the celebrations for Autochthonous Forest Day. Several organisations were involved in the action, including the Institute for Nature Conservation and Forests (ICNF), which offered around 3,000 trees for the initiative. The […]

Baião council marks Waste Reduction Week with sustainable measures

Baião Town Council has implemented a series of initiatives to mark the European Week for Waste Reduction, which runs from 16 to 24 November, reinforcing its commitment to sustainability and environmental protection. The measures include making sustainable materials available to associations in the municipality, such as reusable cups, recycling bins and ashtrays, as well as […]

International Yearbook publishes article by Paulo Pereira on Sustainability in Baião

The Municipality of Baião is featured in the fourth Destination Management Yearbook produced by the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) in partnership with the Centre for Responsible Travel (CREST) and the Destination Stewardship Centre (DSC). The publication showcases destinations that have adopted effective and holistic management, promoting best practices in sustainable tourism, demonstrating a process […]

The European Week for Waste Reduction

The European Week for Waste Reduction is an annual initiative that aims to raise awareness and mobilise society to reduce waste and manage resources sustainably. This year, the central theme is Food Waste, an urgent issue that affects the environment, the economy and food safety. We share with you sustainable recipes and tips, with the […]

Partners of the PAISACTIVO cross-border project discussed the management and development of rural areas in Galicia and northern Portugal

Campus Terra, the University of Santiago de Compostela’s centre in the Galician city of Lugo, hosted a technical meeting as part of the PAISACTIVO cross-border project, called ‘Good Practices in Active Rural Area Management’. This project, aimed at sustainable land management and reducing the risk of fires, will include two pilot projects, one in the […]

Desafios do mundo rural estiveram em debate nas Conversas da Agro Douro Verde

On October 26, the Auditorium of the Monastery of Ancede Cultural Centre – MACC Baião, hosted the Agro Douro Verde Conversations – Resilience and Sustainability in Rural Territories. This event, promoted by the city council with the aim of fostering dialogue and reflection on the challenges and future of the agricultural and forestry sector, was […]