Cooking oil has sticky properties that make dilution extremely difficult. One liter of oil can contaminate one million liters of water. When poured into the ducts, it solidifies on the walls of the pipes, making flow difficult. As more fat accumulates, other residues are trapped, creating a barrier that clogs and damages the pipes, also causing the malfunction of the Wastewater Treatment Stations. Aware of this situation, the Municipality of Baião makes available to the population a network of 22 “oleões”, located in all the parishes of the municipality. These containers have sensors that detect the state of filling; the collection is then carried out by a licensed entity contracted by the City Council

Valuing the environment
The councilor for the environment of the Municipality of Baião, Henrique Gaspar, explains that “this measure aims to give citizens the opportunity to contribute to environmental sustainability, depositing this waste in proper places”. “Increasingly, the population is sensitive to the protection of the environment and that is why we insisted that the network of “oleões” was available in all the parishes of the municipality”, adds Henrique Gaspar.
How to use “oleões”
Let the oil cool down. Then put it in a plastic bottle, close it properly to avoid spilling and store it in a safe place. Once the bottle is full, place it closed inside the nearest “oleão”. Only oils of food origin can be placed in the “oleões”, such as cooking oil, olive oil or canned oil.