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Baião joins Earth Hour

The Municipality of Baião will join Earth Hour, an initiative of the global nature conservation organization WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature), scheduled for March 26, between 8:30 pm and 9:30 pm. This year’s edition has the theme “Nature Restoration”.

The Municipality undertakes, for one hour, to turn off the external lighting of the Paços do Concelho building.

Baião City Council goes even further and launches a challenge for each one to put 1 kg of selective waste in the ecopoints on that day. There is currently a network of 118 Ecopoints in the municipality of Baião.

Earth Hour claims to be the largest global movement against climate change and brings millions of people around the world together in this cause, to reflect their commitment to their home – Planet Earth.

This initiative is based on measures to raise awareness and alert the general population and the need to adopt sustainable behaviors, in favor of the planet and future generations.

WWF encourages the entire population to actively participate in the initiative by sharing, on social media, an exclusive Earth Hour 2022 video, using the hashtags #horadoplaneta2022, #move4earth, #earthhour2022, #ligateaoplaneta, #Connect2Earth, #correpelanatureza, creating thus a “virtual spotlight”.

With the ambition to fulfill these goals, the organization appeals to all those who want to “connect” to the Planet: “Let’s turn off the lights and focus on the planet”. It is important to remember that the more waste is separated, the more waste will be recycled and new products will be produced from used products. Thus, the consumption of natural resources, often non-renewable, is reduced and the emission of greenhouse gases that cause global climate change is avoided, keeping the planet more sustainable for future generations.


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