With the aim of reducing the amount of waste that is sent to landfill every day, at the end of 2023, the Municipality of Baião implemented the campaign, “The rest in the right place!”, which consisted of a bio-waste management service, with the availability of proximity containers for the disposal of bio-waste from the domestic sector on the streets where there are multi-family houses, containers for the HORECA channel (Hospitality, Restaurants and Cafés) and availability of composters, in all parishes, for families who have a house with an outdoor space.
Noting that a large amount of waste that is deposited in undifferentiated waste containers is green waste resulting from the maintenance of gardens, namely grass, small branches, leaves, plant trimmings, among others, the municipality understood that priority should be given treatment at source, that is, producers of this waste, must request a composter from the parish council in order to produce a 100% natural fertilizer at home and, thus, contribute to improving the structure of the soil.
In the case of residents who do not wish to have a composter, there is the possibility of requesting a bag to contain green waste, at the citizen service points, in the week before cleaning the garden. Later, municipal services will come to the door to collect the bags. This is a new waste collection service with the motto: “Green in the Container…No!”.
The councilor responsible for the Environment, Henrique Gaspar, appealing for the collaboration of the people of Bahia, recalled that this is another service made available to the population and an incentive for us to increasingly “ be aware that we all stand to gain if we adopt behaviors and measures that, in addition to benefiting the economy, through the sorting of waste and reducing the quantities to be deposited in landfill, lead to a better environment and a legacy of sustainability for future generations” , highlighted the mayor.
This service is free, however, all waste packaging instructions must be followed.